50k Training: Minimum Requirements Guide

Coach Kelvin

With Coach Kelvin; UK Athletics qualified Running Coach and We Run Coach for Leeds


Hi Team We Run,

A question which I get asked on a fairly regular basis:

What is the minimum training that I need to do to successfully complete a 50k event?

Although this is a bit of an 'it depends' here's a rough guide.

This answer presumes that a runner builds up to the start of this example 12 week schedule over about 8 weeks, and has consistently run 20 to 30km per week over the last 12 months.
12 weeks before your taper

2 midweek runs around 10k
1 midweek run around 14k
1 weekend run progressing from 16 to 30k
(50 to 64k per week) 


2 midweek runs around 10k
1 weekend run progressing from 14 to 26k
1 weekend run progressing from 12 to 14k
(46 to 60k per week)
Long runs on week 01 and 03 with the longest runs on week 01 through the 3x 4 week blocks.

Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below ⬇️

Happy Running,
Coach Kelvin